Laws of Attraction

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Entertainment: +2

Content: -1

Audrey Woods (Julianne Moore) practices law strictly by the book while Daniel Rafferty (Pierce Brosnan) is a rather unorthodox attorney. In this romantic comedy set in New York City, the two high-powered divorce lawyers find themselves pitted against each other in court on opposite sides of a nasty public divorce between an English rock star (Michael Sheen) and his wife (Parker Posey). Both of their clients have their eyes on a castle in Ireland, so Audrey and Daniel must travel to Ireland to chase down depositions. After as series of adventures together, they end up at an Irish pub and compete in a drinking contest. The next morning, they wake up as husband and wife. While neither is ready for this, they both agree to keep up appearances for the sake of public relations and move in together. They find themselves in the un-American and interesting position of being married before falling in love.

In this cute but forgettable film, divorce is not glamorized or trivialized. It is presented as the only thing left when a husband and wife are unwilling to do all that they can to make a marriage work. The film has several amusing moments as the two attorneys try to understand the Irish culture and as each attempts to handle it in a different and entertaining way. This film has several objectionable elements. It implies that the couple has sex before they are married. There is quite a bit of bad language, including an s-word and several occurrences of profanity, as well as some scenes of heavy drinking and drunkenness. Due to these elements, Preview considers Laws of Attraction unacceptable but acknowledges that its pretty tame for a PG-13 romance.

Preview Reviewer: Alan Boyer
New Line

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (10) times mild (hell 3); moderate (bastard 1, balls 3); strong (ass 3)

Obscene Language: Few (2) times strong (s-word 1, finger gesture 1)

Profanity: Several (6) times moderate (MG 4); strong (GD 2)

Violence: None

Sex: Few (2) times mild (implied sex when couple is in bed together after their clothes are shown hitting the floor)

Nudity: Few mild (near nudity with low-cut dress and couple in bed while covered by sheets)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Once mild (man takes panties out of pocket in public to embarrass girl)

Drugs: Several times mild (alcohol use, heavy drinking); moderate (drunkenness several times)

Other: None

Running Time: 97 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults

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